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Larry - 604-800-2758

Best to text we may not be able to answer if we are driving or busy. We will get back to you ASAP

Arranging a Demo

If you are on this page it is likely you have a interest in the Tuk Tuk Mini Truck. We can initially  answer most of you questions online or by phone.

However there is nothing better than getting a hands on experience by doing a test drive demo to satisfy your curiosity. There is a couple ways to arrange for a test demo. First contact us for a appointment to arrange a good time for a meet up


  1. You can arrange a meeting and come to our location in South Delta/Tsawwassen. We have a large area to test drive.

  2. If you are in the Vancouver area we can come to your location with the Mini Truck and do a demo, show and tell.

  3. If you are on Vancouver Island we are a short distance from BC Ferries Tsawwassen we can pick you up at the terminal

  4. If you are outside our area you can think on doing a inexpensive afternoon  fly inn for about $100ish return via and we can pick you up at either airport location


If you come we will buy dinner if you buy we will pay for your trip.


About Us

We are a small company with a big heart and we also like the KISS principal. So keep things simple and we do things the old fashioned way with honesty and integrity. No long winded hype just the facts you can decide what is best for you. We are located in South Delta, Vancouver.


The concept of the mini truck is just dirt simple. A practical utility vehicle that is easy to operate with little to no maintenance and almost free to operate and very affordable. Most mechanical parts you may need in the future are easily acquired locally, Any body parts we can order for you usually two weeks from the manufacture.

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