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The Benefits are as Simple a the Math
Cost for Electricity per Full Cycle Charge for Tuk Tuk Batteries
Milage per 50ah is 25 miles - 100ah is 50 miles
Tuk Tuk Cost per mile for power consumed is less the 1 cent mile
A small truck @ 25 mpg/40k - $2.00 per litre - $7.00gal = is 28 cents per mile
A ATV average is 15 MPG/24K = 46 cents per mile
Simple calculation of 20 miles a day for 5 work days =100 miles/160k @ $2.00 L
Tak Tak = $1.00 per week = $54.00 per year
Small Truck - $28.00 per week = $1456.00 per year
ATV - $54.00 per week = $2800.00 per year
It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out the Tuk Tuk Mini Truck will pay for itself.
Also to consider there is vertically no maintenance costs
and may we add the Eco-Friendly Zero emissions.
If you are using a ATV gas guzzler you will pay for the Tuk Tuk Mini Truck in less than 3 yrs.
Of coarse the calculation is a estimation just for a comparison calculation
Info-Larry 604-800-2857 -
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